Python - About Python and Setting up a workable Python Environment
Learn about the Python Progrmaming Language, its installation on Windows and Linux OS. Learn to setup and use an IDE - Microsoft Visual Studio Code for Python.
Python - Variables, Data Types, Functions and Methods, Classes and Objects.
Learn about the Programming Paradigms, OOPs concepts, Python Data Types, Arrays and Iterators. All basics required for you to start with Python Programming covered under this section.
- Python – M5: Variables and DataTypes – DeepDive
- Python – M6:Numeric Variables – DeepDive
- Python – M7:Functions, Classes, Objects, and Methods – Explained
- Python – M8:OOPs and Programming Paradigms -Explained
- Python – M9: Strings – DeepDive
- Python – M10: Lists and Tuples DeepDive
- Python – M11: Dictionaries and Sets DeepDive
- Python – M12: Branching, If-Elif-Else Conditionals DeepDive
- Python – M13: While and for loops DeepDive
- Python – M14: Lambda, Arrays and Iterators
- Python – M15: Modules and Packages DeepDive
- Python – M16: Math and Date Function
Python - A 100 IceBreaker Excercises to get you started in Python.
Test your skills acquired from the above sections to write your first codes in Python.
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- Python For AI and ML
